Wednesday 26 October 2011

What's exciting you from the Bible?

Soundtrack to the morning: The Sacrifice by Dolly Parton

The plan for today involves honey vanilla ice cream made from the yolks left over from yesterday's yummy pavlova.  The pavlova disappeared in record time (I'd rather not say how long; it's a bit embarrassing), and went down a storm with everyone's favourite fruit bat (Vicar-boss Jr).

I have to finish off the church magazine which the lovely D:Team have been contributing to and guest editing this month.  Then I can crack on with some Sunday School materials.  On Monday I got 6 LARS sessions written, which caused a small amount of brain meltdown, hopefully I can manage an equally productive day today, but without the burbling.  The church mag is an interesting project, and is reminding me that I tend to write in just one style these days; finding the journalist's voice is proving quite taxing!  The other day I came across the bit in my computer where I keep random bits and pieces I've written over the last several years.  Some of them I don't even recall writing, and some of them have quite impressed me - is that terrible?

Well, the sun is shining and fooling Mr Catty into thinking that it's warmer than it is.

He's now lying behind my chair and wheezing in a way that reminds me of my own attempts to do PE at school.

What's exciting you from the Bible this week?

I've been collating answers to this from various people including Vicar-boss.

After a final series on Leviticus from our lovely curate (now lovely ex-curate, I suppose), I'm still being stunned at how the Bible ties itself together in a way that no human mind could ever come up with.  Paddling and swimming, and all that jazz.

How about you?

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